Category: paint party friday

  • Creating your own stamps

    Creating your own stamps

    Would you like to have a go at making your own stamps?

  • Speeding up the painting

    Speeding up the painting

    After a long drought on the painting scene (I’ve been beading instead), I finally jumped back into my acrylics with a couple of little paintings.

  • Pen


    Hey, look everyone, I can do pet portraits! And I’m available for commission. Contact me now to paint your gorgeous loved one.

  • Colourful Expressions

    Colourful Expressions

    I’m in a joint exhibition! With the lovely Emerald Cat !

  • Manic May

    Blink and it is a month since I posted. May was, well, May was nuts. A combination of work crazy, health hiccups and an art stall (not the market kind – the drat it, art is not happening kind!) But I do have some show and tell. First up is the source of my art…

  • Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere

    Exploring unusual techniques.

  • A red and indigo week

    It has been an odd week this week. Public holidays and migraines, web design and artwork, red and indigo. Most of the weekend was spent juggling between a website deadline and making time for the kids who have been on school holidays, home with Daddy. Mummy has been at work a lot lately so I’m…

  • The post wherein I pose for my art

    And since there is no other female body in this house…

  • Time is everything

    I was going to launch it all with a big bang, balloons and streamers and all the fancy I could manage, but I can’t see myself finding the time for that in the near future and I really don’t want to wait any longer.

  • Chance meetings

      Chance meetings and random comments can open so many doors. A few weeks ago, I was prepping for an exhibition and finalising a few paper mosaics when I ran out of hanging wire and framing tape. I’m picky about my hanging wire and only purchase the plastic coated variety which I buy from my…