Category: Articles

  • Latest Discovery – Draw with Jazza

    Latest Discovery – Draw with Jazza

    A few months back we finally moved from the used-to-be-massive-but-now-is-tiny-tube-tv era to smart-tv-oh-wow-you-can-do-that-internet-in-my-loungeroom era. Yes, yes, that sounds odd for a computer geek like me to be so behind the times, but hey, there was that having-kids thing in the last decade that kinda slowed things down. And upgrading had nothing to do with not…

  • Colourful Expressions

    Colourful Expressions

    I’m in a joint exhibition! With the lovely Emerald Cat !

  • Time is everything

    I was going to launch it all with a big bang, balloons and streamers and all the fancy I could manage, but I can’t see myself finding the time for that in the near future and I really don’t want to wait any longer.

  • Chance meetings

      Chance meetings and random comments can open so many doors. A few weeks ago, I was prepping for an exhibition and finalising a few paper mosaics when I ran out of hanging wire and framing tape. I’m picky about my hanging wire and only purchase the plastic coated variety which I buy from my…

  • On display for all the world to see

    It is not well known on this website because I don’t tend to mention it much, but I’m also trained in graphic design and do both graphic design and web design for artists, small businesses and non-profit organisations. The reason I don’t advertise it is because while I enjoy it, it is not the purpose…

  • Exploring paper mosaics

    Exploring paper mosaics

    I had a great day today. I held a paper mosaics workshop at Goodwood Library. Eleven eager artists attended and had a good time. I gave a quick rundown on tools and materials and let them have at it 😀 It was great fun to see the different interpretations and experimenting going on and I…

  • Exploring butterfly paintings

    Exploring butterfly paintings

    This is an updated version of a previous exploration. I’ve updated it and reposted it here for today’s workshop participants and anyone else who might be interested. A new exploration on paper mosaics will follow shortly 😀 Do you remember those fun paintings we did as a kid in school – blob some paint on…

  • The Calm

    Our lives are nuts. While many of the mundane tasks of existence have been relieved by technology, we’ve filled the gaps with more stuff, so instead of spending hours washing our clothes in the local river, we’re dashing off to work to a gazillion deadlines, places to be, people to see and appointments to keep.…

  • Exhibitions

    This is the state of my hallway at the moment.

  • It is all in the mindset

    I’m in the perfect position to achieve anything I want, I just need to make sure I don’t stuff up what I already have in order to get it.