Category: anecdotes

  • What is a gumnut?

    This is somewhat a mandatory post for me. I’ve had to explain my username several times online and I thought it would hurt to have an explanation here. A gumnut is not a some crazy person hooked on chewing gum. A gumnut is the woody fruit of a eucalyptus tree. In Australia, eucalyptus trees, of…

  • Exciting news

    I have had my share of exciting news this year. I have been very fortunate on several fronts to be presented with an array of opportunities, particularly those that further my art business. But I must say that a little more never hurts! 😀 Today I found out that my painting, Stare, sold at the…

  • Dragons

    Since about December last year, this household has been alive with Dragons. Dreamworks Dragons to be exact. Myself, and both my two girls have been madly watching every little bit of this world we can get our hands on, particularly my youngest who recently had her fifth birthday and a Dreamworks Dragons party to celebrate.…

  • The value of a compliment

    In 2006, my Hubby and I spent two weeks in Western Australia. It was a fantastic holiday, WA is a wonderful place for the nature lover. It is gorgeous. About halfway through the holiday we had a long stretch of a drive between Albany and Toodyay. It was a road trip where we hadn’t planned…

  • Winter returns

    The temperature is forecast to dip below 20C this week, the final sign that summer is truly leaving and the April rains are due. Here comes the cold. I’m not a fan of winter, however for the first time in a long time we will be travelling interstate this year right in the depths of…

  • Heel of Yorke

    I was planning on posting about some of my jewellery tonight, but I’ve managed to run out of time. So instead here is a photo from our recent holiday on the Yorke Peninsula that caught my eye while uploading those jewellery photos. This is right on the heel of the Yorke Peninsula in South Australia.…

  • Well, that didn’t work.

    I disappeared again. I think I might have needed a break. It has been a pretty full on year until just recently. Not in a bad way, more in a fantastic, I have a lot of work – art and design work – to do. Thoroughly enjoyed it, but lots happening at once and sooner…

  • Welcome to my new website!

    It has been a long time in coming, but it is finally here. It feels like ages since I posted a blog post, probably because it is and I have to say it feels good to be writing again. So what has been happening in the last six months? October saw two paintings sell. November…

  • Big news!

    I’ve been busy…setting up shop!

  • Retrospective – Visiting with Vincent

    I’m not a follower, but neither am I a leader. I’m that black sheep in a sea of white who cuts across all the orderly lines and spins them into swirls. I’m the one who when told to do something, immediately wants to do the opposite.