Paint Party Friday – My day of painting

Paint Party Friday

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day here in Australia. I was rostered to work on Sunday, so I chose Saturday for my present day. What did I want? I told hubby no gifts, no cards, all I wanted was a day to do a painting. My aim was to see if I could manage to finish a painting in one day and if it was good enough I would enter it into a competition.

Wonderful Hubby agreed, and last Saturday he took care of the kids and I went outside, set up my easel, popped on my iPod and painted for the majority of the day.

Unfortunately I didn’t finish it and it won’t be entered in any competition, but it does have some value. Firstly it is my first ever painting on canvas. I felt like a real artist-type standing there in front of a big canvas, palette in one hand, brush in the other. Secondly, it is the biggest work I have attempted since I started this foray into art last year. I also learnt a lot about acrylics and had a great deal of fun just slapping it on.

Hot Wind wip

It is tentatively titled ‘Hot Wind’ and is far from finished, acrylic on canvas, 7,620 x 10,160mm. It is a follow on from a smaller painting I did last year – Fallen. I’m finding that I really like working with the subject of fire. I know what I’ve created is far from realistic and much closer to abstract, but my aim is to get that feeling of heat and movement, and although this one isn’t finished yet and I’ve had a touch of negative feedback about it, I’m still enjoying the process and the result could be worse.

I have some other ideas for compositions based on fire that I might try once I’ve finished this one.

So that was my long awaited painting day. Now I just need to find the time to finish it.

(who has four paintings in progress at the moment and a few ideas teed up…I really should finish something)


29 responses to “Paint Party Friday – My day of painting”

  1. Oh this is colorific! Excellent colors and the title is perfect for this piece. Great work. Happy PPF!

    1. Gumnut Avatar

      Thank you, Gloria! Happy PPF to you too.

      (party on)

  2. I immediately thought of fire, flame…

    1. Gumnut Avatar

      Great, thankyou!


  3. I really like this – it makes me think of standing close to a bonfire on a cold evening and the little sparks that fly up and out of the fire – wonderful and evocative!!

    1. Gumnut Avatar

      Thankyou so much, Pointy. I’m glad it gives an impression of heat.

      (edge, off it, flying, trying)

  4. I got fire instantly and really like the colours and the movement. HWat’s to finish??!!

    1. Gumnut Avatar

      Hi, Rosie.

      I do have some bits nad pieces to finish on this. I’m still not 100% sure I’m conveying the fire properly. It is definitely abstracty. I don’t know. It just needs some fiddling.

      Thanks for your lovely comments.

      (edge, off it, flying, trying)

  5. there was a fire on the desert last week and I saw some spectacular photos of the fire at night and that is the first thing I thought of when I saw this. I really like how you have the hot embers and sparks flying, that’s what it really does in a wild fire. Ignore the negative voices and keep on; If it makes your heart sing while you are doing it, then it is the right thing to be doing! Happy PPF!

  6. This is awesome! I get a real feeling of fire and heat! It is also a beautiful piece! I can’t believe you’ve gotten any negative feedback. This piece rocks, and it’s not done yet? Can’t wait to see it when it’s finished!
    Welcome to painting on canvas : )

  7. I think it looks wonderful. The colors are great and you’ve really captured the essence of fire with its movement and wildness.

  8. The color, the movement … just stunning! Great work! 😉

  9. Ooooh am so loving this painting so full of fire and energy.

  10. O wow! What an amazing piece! GREAT energy and heat!

  11. I can’t imagine why you’d get negative feedback on this, unless from someone who doesn’t like abstract art. Some people just don’t like that style. This definitely says fire and flames to me so I’d say you are having success with it.

  12. Wow! I love it! Fabulous treatment. What do people think it needs?

    I’m with you about finishing things. I must do that too!

    I hope you get more time to create Liz, as your results are always wonderful.

  13. Captures the heat and energy of fire spectaculalry…really wonderful 🙂

  14. Without reading it first, the image of heat and flame emerged from the post! Lovely work and glad to hear you have an understanding hubby. Enjoy your free moments, I’m sure all four paintings will become and you’ll be onto the sixth.

    Happy Painting!

  15. Wow this is a really really cool piece. I love it. Its great to have a good hubby that takes the kids for awhile!!

  16. Wow this is a really really cool piece. I love it. Its great to have a good hubby that takes the kids for awhile!!!!

  17. Sorry for the double post. It gave me a hard time. Oops. But I really really love your piece and I wanted you to know.

  18. I love this, you’ve really captured the essence of fire with its white hot heat and that glorious yellow orange- just beautiful! I too can’t believe you’ve received negative feedback!

  19. I’m struggling to figure out why anyone would give you negative feedback on such a brilliant piece. It reminded me instantly of fire, and I love the title of Hot Wind – it matches the heat and movement you’ve already created. I like it as is, so I can’t wait to see your finished product! Keep painting and pardon my language but screw the people who give you unwanted negative feedback! I can only imagine the kind of bitterness in the hearts and souls of such individuals! Thankfully you are not one of them!!

  20. If you’ve managed to capture the essence of fire … one has to paint what he says inside. Saludos

  21. ooo I likey this x

  22. I don’t know who gave you negative feedback but they need to rethink their comments…I think it totally depicts your title! To me it is an excellent – yes – I would call it abstract in a contemporary way! I would leave just as it is!
    cheers, dana

  23. Denise Avatar

    Just visited this site and your painting was the first thing I saw and boy did it catch my eye. This is what I love about Abstract and yes it does have an abstract feel. Good abstract evokes so much emotion and imagination in the viewer and yours does that beautifully. I love your colours and I instantly thought of fire and movement. Have to tell you I think you have done a wonderful piece of art.

  24. […] Pretty skungie looking in the areas that haven’t been covered fully, but I like the flow and really, it is just an adaptation the technique in my painting Hot Wind. […]

  25. […] Mother’s Day 2011 – my present was to be allowed to paint all day. It was a beautifully sunny day, so I set up my easel outside and did just that. The uncompleted painting that resulted has been sitting around my studio ever since. […]