
Afterwards, acrylic on board, approx. 300 x 300 mm.

I’ve been meaning to attempt an Illustration Friday challenge for some time now. This week’s is ‘afterwards’ and after one busted attempt to fulfill it, I thought that yet again I would miss it. But late this afternoon I came up with a sudden simple idea that ties in with my interest in colour and my experiments in acrylic. I didn’t have much time to do it tonight as nights here are always busy with the kids, so it was a gamble to even get my paints out. But I did it.

Likely the fastest painting I’ve ever done in my life, it took me around an hour from blank to complete. Incidently it was warm here today and at the rate the paint was drying (I couldn’t be bothered to add a retarder), I had to work really quick anyway. Consequently, I found myself painting in a way I had never painted before. Lots of dry brush and strokes that only hinted at form, rather than clearly defined it. very unusual for me the perfectionist.

Afterwards, detail.

It’s slapdash, but I kinda like it just for that reason. I think it gives it more energy (despite the photograph not being as good as it could be).

Incidently, does anyone have any idea of the concept behind it? What did I illustrate? I suspect it isn’t as clear as it could be. But hey, it was fun 😀

Afterwards, where I painted it on the back porch, lit by the setting sun.

(who has never done so much artwork in such a short time in her entire life…even without the kids!)


11 responses to “Afterwards”

  1. Heather T. Avatar

    I really like it. To me, it represents our death to this world and the hope of following that Glorious Light 🙂

    The last photo with your paints and the sunlight as it is, is a statement as well. Very, very nice.

    With art, it's so awesome when we do take the plunge and allow ourselves freedom to explore outside of the box that we tend to keep ourselves in sometimes. Just look at the simplicity but very meaningful painting that resulted 🙂

  2. I like it a lot. I can't figure out how to interpret it though. Firstly I doubt the hands are human – they seem alien to me because they're a little skeletal in their shading. Then I can't tell if they are reaching out towards the light in expectation or reaching up in fear to protect themselves from it. I think I like the ambiguity of interpretation though, because maybe the owner of the hands doesn't know what the light will bring either.
    I like your use of acrylics – I just bought myself some this morning so I shall be playing with them soon too. This is the most art I've ever done too!

  3. Chibi Janine Avatar
    Chibi Janine

    It is a intresting piece of art it brings to mind the whole going to the bright light in near death experiences. The dry strokes are really effective for this piece.

  4. I really like it. Perhaps rather than death it is a striving for the light at the end of the tunnel after coming through the gloom of some hard work or difficult personal times. However the see through quality of the arms does make it seem quite ghostly.

  5. This is fabulous! It is a bit eerie. I get both struggle and release from it. A incredibly powerful piece!

  6. wow – that is powerful – great piece, so intriguing

  7. This painting is really beautiful, and the idea is great! It touches something inside of everyone, I think.

  8. Kristin Dudish Avatar
    Kristin Dudish


    I really admire the painterly, brush strokey, style you've used. I would like to do more of it!(As a fellow perfectionist I also find it difficult to let go and not define everything… slowly I'm getting better at it)

    I am so enjoying all of this Gumnut artwork – Go Nutty Go!


  9. I immediately thought of "death" reaching for Heaven…

    Powerful imagery.

  10. Thank you all for your insights. It is always interesting to see what others see in my creations. It appears that I succeeded in communicating the idea, though with some ambiguity which only seems to increase the effect. Thanks so much for helping me out.

    (awake at 3am)

  11. […] painting was done nearly two years ago (full post about it here) and was also for Illustration Friday. Done in craft paint before I had any idea of what I was […]