Creative Tuesday (and AEDM) – little house

‘Special precautions were required when Uncle Bill came to visit.’
Little House, pen on bleedproof paper, approx. 290 x 200 mm
Is it a little sad that when prompted with the phrase ‘little house’, the first thing that came to mind was a toilet? Or should I blame it on being Australian?
In any case, the ‘little house’, dunny, outhouse, shed out back, Aunt Jane’s, and a whole variety of names not suitable to be written on this blog was, and, in some cases, still is, a small building out the back of a property containing a toilet, traditionally either a pan or long drop. For further info, feel free to visit good ol’ Wikipedia. There is also a humorous Dunny piece of poetry here.

(‘Give me a home among the gumtrees…’)

PS: technically speaking this art was done yesterday, but the piece of work I attempted today was so bad, it is never going to utilise pixels on this computer or any other. Hopefully tomorrow will be more arty.

EDIT: I forgot to give you a link to the great Creative Tuesday challenge over on Hot Toast and Jam. Go visit! There are lots of other yummy talented peeps over there.


17 responses to “Creative Tuesday (and AEDM) – little house”

  1. daylily (Queenmothermamaw) Avatar
    daylily (Queenmothermamaw)

    Well we had those too Gumnut, right in town when I was a little girl. I didn't spend much time on mine this time, almost forgot about it in the making of Christmas gifts for family.

  2. very cute even if it's a outhouse

  3. Mikkamakka Avatar

    I love it!Hahaha!:)

  4. Christie, Describe Happy Avatar
    Christie, Describe Happy

    This really made me laugh! I adore all the details that you added… which really makes it a sweet drawing even if it's that kind of little house.

  5. Oh this is too cute…. Can't think of a better little house that an outhouse!! Great drawing!

  6. Heather T. Avatar

    Hahahaha…gotta love that added touch with the bird!! Very cute and work well done. Thanks for the smile 🙂

    ~A Vermont Girl

  7. Ha, so funny, great take on the prompt! The caption cracks me up, good one.

  8. What a kick! I love your idea for this week's CT theme. Interesting detail…the passed out bird and the fumes rising from the outhouse. Oh, and Uncle Bill's feet. Too funny.

  9. Jenny Blair Avatar
    Jenny Blair

    Heehee! Love your little house 🙂 Brings back memories of my trip to Oz and using an exact replica! Must be an australian fetish right enough! Haha! Love the gas masks too! 🙂

  10. paintdropskeepfalling Avatar

    Great idea there 🙂

  11. B @ Sweet Limes Avatar
    B @ Sweet Limes

    I am laughing my head off because I read the little caption about Uncle Bill. The picture is great on it's own but that caption just did it for me. Terrific!

  12. White Violet Art Avatar
    White Violet Art

    Hahaha! Love the dead bird! Nice touch! 😀 LOL!

  13. ha ha ha !!! love it, how funny….you are very clever. Great pen and ink work, too!!! xxoo

  14. It's very cute…and a very necessary little house! ha!

  15. Christine Avatar

    oh this one gave me a chuckle…very original.

  16. Kristin Dudish Avatar
    Kristin Dudish

    Ha! You are so funny… I can always count on you for a smile 🙂


  17. Well, it is nutty, shall we say….and so well drawn too. I have to admit chuckling rather. I lvoe it, Gumnut. you are such a hoot. thank you for doing this.

    I have saved your image and will add it the montage that I intend to put up later tonight or for tomorrow morning, if I run out of time now. thanks so much for your contribution and do keep playing along!

    BTw, for this co-op you do need to add a link back to my post for others to learn more about C.T. if they want and to be able to see the other contributions. Thank you.