My Creative Neighbourhood – Heart Art

My creative neighbourhood

This is where I look around at my fellow artists and highlight some of the wonderful things they’ve been up to recently. Anything that catches my eye, rattles my brain, or drops my jaw ends up here. Things I feel I need company in oggling at and admiring. If it’s here, it’s good.

Please note: All the images in this post do not belong to me (except the ‘My Creative Neighbourhood’ icon above). Each image has been attributed to its author. Please visit their webpages to enjoy more of their wonderful work.


I have a new challenge in the works and in preparation for it, I chose the topic of ‘hearts’ for this week’s Creative Neighbourhood. It has certainly been and interesting way to discover new artists. I know I’ve certainly discovered some fantastic ones this time.

First up is Madalina Iordache -Levay.

How to heal a broken heart by ~temporary-peace on deviantART

This was the image that led me to her work. In her own words ‘I don’t take photographs, I make them.’ And she makes some beautiful art. Strong colours and potent imagery make for some stunning work.

Website  –
Blog –
Design Studio –
Deviant Art –


Next is my first introduction to polymer clay beadwork. I can see there are some wonderful colour possiblities in this medium.

Valentine 2011

This is the work of Ayelet Beads from southern New Zealand. She has some lovely examples in her Flickr account and Etsy shop.


This photo is by Shenagain (Justin) and I thought it worthy of a mention. He explicitly asks people not to distribute his work and as I’m still unsure about my rights in showing others images here, I haven’t shown it. But it is a stunning photo for the topic ‘heart’ so I think you should mosey on over and have a gander. Also check out this one, Bubbles of Love,  which has share disabled completely (I guess it is a balance between making your work available for stealing and making your work available for sharing – it is amazing how many times I’ve had literally hunt down the artist of a work I’ve found online, posted to someone else’s website without attribution or link ::sigh::). ‘Bubbles of Love’ is by Pauline A. Yates. You can find her website here –


Christiane Alaettinoğlu uses an interesting medium…she creates with driftwood.

Happy Valentine's day

You can find her fascinating creations on her blog –


Now I would say more, but motherhood calls.

I hope you’ve all had a great start to the week.

(spending time looking at other people’s art can be very educational)


2 responses to “My Creative Neighbourhood – Heart Art”

  1. Great finds, Nutty! This is a wonderful way to showcase other artists and also Inspire ideas.

  2. oooh that heart photos is just amazing. love the band aids. wow, what a great idea. thanks for sharing!