Creative Every Day – 18 Oct 2010

I haven’t managed to create much art over the last week. Only two pieces have been completed since Sunday before last – my one-eyed monster and my answer to the Creative Tuesday challenge for this fortnight which I can’t post about until it’s due.

I do have a small piece in progress as part of my oil pastel experiments, but haven’t had time away from the children to actually have a go at it. That and the weather went sour, a final blast from winter blew over us, and oil pastels are best used outside.

But today I did manage to get started on a new project I’ve had in mind. I won’t give details yet, but I’m having fun. It’s more an exercise than an attempt at a masterpiece as I’m still experimenting.

It involves the above and may, in the future, involve the below.

I am so enjoying this experimenting. It takes away most of the precision and requirement for a masterpiece (if possible) at the end of the process, and I’m learning so much. Too bad it has taken me 30 years to finally work out how to relax with my art.

(who has been sick, but is feeling better)


3 responses to “Creative Every Day – 18 Oct 2010”

  1. Jenny Blair Avatar
    Jenny Blair

    Oooh this looks interesting 🙂 I am VERY intrigued!! Glad you are feeling better…not much fun being a sick mumma x

  2. Kristin Dudish Avatar
    Kristin Dudish

    Glad you're feeling better – can't wait to see where your experimenting leads!


  3. Dana Barbieri Avatar
    Dana Barbieri

    Awwhhh… you are a true sweetie. Thanks so much! I really appreciate your lifting comments today. Especially since I wasn't looking for praise, just wanting to share. You made my day! Your experimenting looks like fun! I wish I could join you! I love to play!