Tangles – work in progress

Tangles by Gumnut LogicTangles, work-in-progress, gel pen on bubblejet print of acrylic on illustration board, approx 130 x 130 mm.

It looks better in real life, trust me. My scanner has issues with red, as does my camera and printer. It must be the awkward end of the spectrum. In any case, I have red and yellow gel pen squiggles all over this and it has developed into a rather interesting background. I call it a work in progress because I think it needs a focus, something I have yet to work out what.

This is dervied from one of my acrylic experiments.

I’m hoping to do more tomorrow as I’m getting together with my sister and a friend and we’re having an art day.

(could someone please shoot the migraine fairy…I’m crawling off to bed)


One response to “Tangles – work in progress”

  1. […] also did Tangles, but that one didn’t work as well. I have since tried to do more, but have failed miserably. […]