More stamps – a pansy, a tree and a heart



Last week I claimed I hadn’t done much. Well, this week I’m going to claim that illness took out half of this week (I am so not happy about that). In fact, this is the first time I have sat down in the studio since Tuesday (and that was a pretty lame stare at the screen kinda sit down anyway). And apparently, I’m all about excuses.

Anyway, none of that matters as I had declared the weekend the art zone and so got a little bit done then and avoided the massacre later in the week that took out my planned posting and work attendance in one fell swoop.

First up I created a pansy stamp. This is one that has been bugging me for a while. I seem to have fallen in love with the concept of stamping and then painting over the stamp, and a pansy would be perfect for that. Those of you who follow me on Instagram would have already seen this photo.

Pansy stamp
Pansy, pansy leaf and two results

What you might not have seen is what I did the to stamped card at the bottom of the photo as I didn’t share it – mostly because I hadn’t finished it and wasn’t 100% happy with it.

Pansy card


It still has possibilities, but I think it needs some serious work. So I basically dropped it and went off to pursue another one of the designs I had in mind.

I drew two little trees. I seem to be obsessed with trees. They were based on an idea I had ages ago and still want to pursue in some form. here is the original idea from January 2013. I called them tree caricatures.

Kurrajong caricature sketch


But since then I have started my Fantastical Worlds series, so I think there is some influence from them as well. Anyway, here be the two trees I drew last weekend.


A tree with heart
A tree with heart


I am so missing my camera (which stopped working last week and now I have to buy a new one…something that I can’t really afford…anyone like to buy some jewellery to help me buy a new camera?), my phone really just isn’t up to the job.

I then developed the second tree into a stamp. To do this, I had to scan the original into the computer and trace it by hand. the reason for doing this is so I can resize it at will. I printed it at the size I needed for the blank cards I have on hand, and then traced it down. I did refine it while tracing it down as you can see my tracing wasn’t fantastic and it needed some smoothing out.

Tree with heart development
Tree with heart development on the computer – scan on left, trace on right


And then I carved the stamp.

Tree with Heart stamp
Tree with Heart stamp

The beauty of stamps is that once I have the design and stamp I can recreate artworks multiple times, but each with its own little idiosyncrasies.

One thing I did manage to do before I got hit by the lurgy on Tuesday was make it to the art shop and order some of the supplies I need for the stamping workshop I’m presenting at Unley Civic Library on 29 October. If you are interesting in attending, it is only $10 per person (a total bargain). Details can be found on the Libraries’ website or by ringing 8372 5100.

And this is my contribution for Paint Party Friday this week. I wish it was more, but despite being off work, I found myself bored – can you believe it? Me, bored? No energy. Didn’t even read and found TV boring – it was extremely frustrating. Ended up sleeping most of yesterday. On the mend today, so fortunately I have the energy to post. don’t forget to go visit those other fabulous artists, who may not have been as much of a waste of space as I have been this week and have created some fabulous artworks ๐Ÿ˜€

Art always!

Best wishes.



20 responses to “More stamps – a pansy, a tree and a heart”

  1. LOve, love, love your hand-carved stamps and what you made with them. Feel better soon, Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks so much, Valerie! Happy PPF to you too!

      Best wishes,

  2. Delightfully creative work Liz. I especially love the pansy. Cheers and Happy PPF :D)

    1. Thank you, Sue ๐Ÿ˜€ Yes, I’m gonna have to do more work on that pansy ๐Ÿ˜€

      Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  3. I don’t use stamps. Wouldn’t even know where to begin, but you use them to great effect. Your work is beautiful. Illness can be a real drag at times. I’m in constant pain, so I know what it’s like. Love you little trees, they are so cute. Have a great weekend and hope you feel better soon.

    1. Oh, I don’t know. Several of your designs would work beautifully as stamps ๐Ÿ˜€

      I’m getting better, just the annoying local lurgy. I wish you could get better too. I had a family member who was in constant pain – it can suck the life out of everything. I’m glad to see that at least some of the time you are keeping your head enough above water to create. Keep it up.

      Thank you for your kind comments and for dropping by.

      Art always!

      Best wishes,

  4. Your stamps are truly a work of art. Wonderful designs. I like the design of the tree with heart. You should think about selling some of your stamps as well as your jewelry. About the camera, if you can hold off a little there will be Christmas sales soon and you can get great camera deals then.

    1. Thank you so much, Diane! I’m not sure I’m quite up to selling the stamps as yet, I think I need more practise, but thanks for the vote of confidence ๐Ÿ˜€ I may be able to do that in the future.

      Good point about the Christmas sales ๐Ÿ˜€

      Thank you for dropping by and taking the time to comment.

      Best wishes,

  5. These are lovely! The pansy is so pretty!

    1. Thanks, Jean. And thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  6. You are doing amazing things with your stamps! Happy PPF

    1. Thank you, Susan ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m certainly making an attempt to explore the art form and see what I can do with it. I see a range of greeting cards in my future ๐Ÿ˜€

      Thanks for dropping by ๐Ÿ˜€

      Best wishes,

  7. I really love the stamps! So precious and lovely! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks, Maria! And thanks for dropping by ๐Ÿ˜€

      Best wishes,

  8. The stamps are awesome. I really like the pansy. Wonderful art. Sorry you were not feeling well.

    1. Thanks so much, Nicole ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m getting better now, just the usual hacking cough that follows these things. Thanks for your kind words ๐Ÿ˜€

      Hope you had a great weekend.

      Best wishes,

  9. very lovely, I really like your designs.

    1. Thank you, Julie ๐Ÿ˜€ And thanks for dropping by ๐Ÿ˜€

      Best wishes,

  10. Really happy to discover your work! Loving the pansy stamp and the ink pink color is perfect. Also enjoying the different themes for the trees and always cool to see the process! Lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’m glad to see you here, too. Thanks so much for visiting.

      thank you for your kind words. I do like to show the process as much as possible in the hope I might be able to help someone else on their art journey ๐Ÿ˜€

      Hope you had a good weekend.

      Best wishes,