The post wherein I pose for my art



Not much in the way of art has happened this week. I’ve been caught up in family engagements and the need to meet web design deadlines. I did manage to start one piece of work, but it has sat on my art table all week taunting me with the fact I didn’t have time to do anything with it. It has now reached the point that if I don’t do something with it soon, its chances of ever being finished are going to start dropping – which is not a good thing because I’ve been on such a good roll lately – and I’ve discovered at least two more exhibitions I would like to be part of and I need to produce some art!

fiery wip

One other thing that happened this week led to the title of this post.

I need clothing, but I have more of an inclination to purchase art materials or if I manage to get into a shop that sells clothes, I tend to exit with my hands full of children’s clothes. Yes, I obviously have something wrong with me. So when I recently uploaded two new pieces of artwork to my Red Bubble shop I took the opportunity to buy myself something ๐Ÿ˜€


magenta magic skirt
Magenta Magic skirt


And since there is no other female body in this house in which I could model the above piece of clothing, I had to stand in front of the camera and hope the black I was wearing hid the evidence of two children and a distinct lack of interest in exercise. At least it is a touch better than me photographing it on the hanger ๐Ÿ˜€ You can find this skirt and other Magenta Magic items here ๐Ÿ˜€

So that’s all I have for this week. We have a long weekend this weekend, so I’m hoping to finish off the webwork and get my teeth back into some decent artwork of my own. It is all happening!

Don’t forget to drop by Paint Party Friday and check out all the fabulous work. Particularly Sojourner’s painting this week, it is a gorgeous piece from a gorgeous person.

Best wishes,


10 responses to “The post wherein I pose for my art”

  1. Great skirt and a wonderful design inspiration!
    ps. no need to worry about how you look in the skirt, that’s for certain!!!!

    1. Thankyou, Lynn! Very kind of you ๐Ÿ˜€

      Best wishes,

  2. Fabulous…love how that turned out on fabric! Fun, unique and all you!! You look awesome!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thankyou, Giggles ๐Ÿ˜€ It certainly has been an interesting experiment with Red Bubble ๐Ÿ˜€

      Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  3. Beautiful painting!

    I love the skirt, and how awesome when someone compliments you that you can say that it is your art! I have a dress that looks like a Mondrian painting and always get compliments whenever I wear it. It is amazing what Red Bubble has done with your art!

    1. Hi, Eva.

      Thanks, as always for hosting PPF!

      I have to say that wearing my art is something a whole lot different to displaying it on the wall. Talk about self conscious ๐Ÿ˜€ But then I’m paranoid.

      Red Bubble has certainly been an interesting experiment ๐Ÿ˜€

      Happy PPF!

      Best wishes,

  4. Wonderful skirt! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  5. Love the skirt! I signed up with Red Bubble but I haven’t done anything with it. I’m the same as you about spending. I do like to buy new art materials but my closet looks pretty bleak. It’s bad when you see the same people over and over and have to remember whether you wore coral last time or was it teal!

  6. Beautiful!

  7. Looks fabulous, Liz! And thank you for your kind shout out ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be picking your brain about Red Bubble soon, I think.