Sunset Falling

Sunset Falling, Deviant Art Muro, by mouse on lounge chair arm

Just a quick last minute scribble for the Creative Color Challenge #5 – Lavender Purple.  It certainly came out more purple than I expected, and oddly watercolourish.  This was one of those paintings that evolved as I painted.  I started with the idea of a sunset over the sea, but thought that would be too ‘done’, and suddenly found myself with a horizon that demanded to be at an angle, which isn’t really possible perspective-wise unless there is something in the foreground.  And the waterfall was born.  Perhaps a view of a waterfall you don’t see very often, but I hoped to create the energy required via movement in the water we could see and the mist beyond.  And the mist took out most of the detail of the sunset in an oddly glowy way.

This is the last of the Creative Color Challenges and I have to say that they will be missed.  They have challenged me, freed up my art, and given birth to more pieces in this one month than I have done in the last five years.  Finally I can just draw.  It is such a feeling of freedom.  I have learnt new techniques both in the media of pastel and digital art.  I’ve discovered the common theme in all my works so far – light and colour.  I love both and I’ve finally given myself permission to explore them at length.  I am certainly looking forward to further challenges in the future.  To keep me going in the meantime, I’m hoping to create a piece for the monthly challenge of Found Art Friday over at Cathy Nichol’s blog.  This month’s challenge is change.

Thank you so much to all the entrants in the Creative Color Challenge.  I’ve met some great people with some fantastic talent.  Thanks for all your support, you’ve kept me going and that means more to me than you can know.  I hope to see you all in further challenges.

And just for the hell of it…here are all my entries into the Creative Color Challenge – a challenge to create 😀

#1 Sunshine Yellow

Streaming Headlights, soft pastel on black pastel paper, 300 x 420 mm

#2 Raspberry Red

Blood Lily, soft pastel & charcoal on black pastel paper, 300 x 300 mm
Dryandra, digital photograph, from my front garden

#3 Turquoise

By Moonlight, soft pastel & charcoal on black pastel paper, 420mm x 230mm

#4 Sea green/ To the Sea (Found Art Friday theme combined)

Crystal Wave, DeviantArt Muro, drawn by mouse
Breaking Storm, DeviantArt Muro, drawn by mouse on my lounge chair arm

#5 Lavender purple

Purple Inspiration, digital photo, from my garden
Purple Dragon, DeviantArt Muro, by mouse, lounge chair arm, very, very rushed and unfinished

Sunset Falling, Deviant Art Muro, by mouse on lounge chair arm

I did it. Completed 😀

(who is up late and hoping Izzy sleeps through otherwise I’m in trouble)


6 responses to “Sunset Falling”

  1. White Violet Art Avatar
    White Violet Art

    Love the "Sunset Falling" 🙂 You are amazingly talented! All your submissions rocked actually. I'm going to miss this challenge, so much great art.

    I look forward to seeing your future work!

    Happy Creating! 🙂


  2. Kristin Dudish Avatar
    Kristin Dudish

    Another beautiful piece… and a great series of work throughout 🙂

    I'm so glad I 'met' you during this challenge… I can't wait to see what you do next!


  3. Emakesart Avatar

    What a great set of artwork you now have from this challenge. Can't wait to see what you do next.

  4. Thanks so much, you wonderful peoples ::hugs::

    It will be interesting to see what we all do next. Challengeless! There must be more challenges 😀

    Thanks so much for your support.

    (returning briefly to crochet to finish a particular piece of work…though I'm awfully art inspired at the moment and it is hard to ignore :D)

  5. Your art and photography is incredible – love all these pieces!

  6. should that be *are* incredible? oh well, you know what I mean 🙂