Sunday Sketches from Mother’s Day Weekend

Sunday SketchesOnce again I’ve been arting, but not specifically for Sunday Sketches, but I do want to share the work I have been doing.

This week I started two new challenges 29 Faces and the Monthly Painters Challenge. I can’t reveal the work I have been doing for the Monthly Painters Challenge, but I can say that I’m having a great deal of fun. Come back here in two days time to see what I’ve been doing in that department (with the dearest hope that I manage to finish it since it has been interrupted by a migraine which took a chunk of my time available to work on it ::grrr:: )

Other than those two pieces I’ve also made some progress on my daughter’s mermaid painting, a painting I started here in Sunday Sketches quite some weeks ago now. It is slowly getting there as many wonderful peeps from Paint Party Friday saw a couple of days ago (thanks so much to all of you for your lovely comments, they mean a lot to me – I’ll be cruising around your blogs in the next couple of days to return the favour).

So the two sketches I am submitting this week are my mermaid painting…

Mermaid still a work in progressMermaid still in progress – details here

And two of my sketches for 29 faces, both of which I’m quite proud of as I used no reference material and all of the facial structure etc came directly from my brain – I found out I knew more about faces than I thought. I was also really happy with their expressions, a factor I often have trouble with – for more details, please view this post.

Just breathe


Apologies to those of you who might have seen these before in the last few days, but I haven’t had time to do anything else that I can show here. I promise new stuff in the next two days.

And don’t forget to cruise around the blogs at Sunday Sketches to see some fantabulous stuff.

Best wishes,


11 responses to “Sunday Sketches from Mother’s Day Weekend”

  1. New sketches are awesome and your mermaid is excellent ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  2. love the shining colors!

  3. This is coming out just beautifully–I’m especially impressed with all the depth and texture in the tail and the clamshell. What medium are you using for those? It’s perfect for the job.

    1. The texture in the hair and the tail was created using modelling paste/extra heavy gel and sculpting brushes (kinda like a paintbrush handle with a silicone solid wedge or point on the end).

      A friend ahs asked me if I could do a tutorial on how to do it, and since ia will be doing another mermaid painting, this time for my youngest daughter, I’ll see if I can video it and share.

      The texture is then painted over with a mix of acrylic paint and iridescent medium.

      Thank you for all your kind comments and for dropping by.

      best wishes,

  4. Beautiful. So much raw emotion in that last sketch!

  5. So beautiful..your work has a vibrant magnetic feel to it…gorgeous works!!

  6. adorable mermaid and great faces!

  7. OMG – your WIP mermaid is absolutely FAB! Wow! I’m seriously impressed at how you did her hair, let alone the scaley portion of her body. Wow!

    Your two face sketches are coming along well, too. I especially love the first one. 🙂

  8. such wonderful pieces, each one. i love your sketches, they are beautifully expressive.

  9. I love the swirls in these! The way the hair flows in each is captivating!

  10. Beautiful work!
    Your sketches are so free and expressive – and your lines are gorgeous.
    Thank you for your visit and for considering The Summer of Color – it really is such a fun event seeing how everyone interprets the same color palette – we would be lucky to have you join!
    See you soon,
    Kristin xo