N is for Nature

There is nothing specifically arty starting with the letter ‘N’. I went through the dictionary, I even went through the indexes of some of my art books and looked under N (great suggestion, Hubby :D), but all I could come up with was ‘nature’ and ‘negative space’. I’d already thought of ‘needlework’, but I don’t really have any to share, or really want to knock up something quick as needlework in canvas is something I am very unfamiliar with at the moment. negative space is, well, less than thrilling, despite its definite need for application sometimes. So I’m left with ‘nature’. Oh, there were the various ‘not’s – ‘not working’, ‘not finished’, etc. I certainly have plenty of those and it was tempting – ‘nature’ seemed a bit of a cop out as I don’t really have any works on the go I haven’t already shown here. But then it occurred to me – my photography! I haven’t shown much of my photography here at all and ninety-nine point nine percent of my work (non-children or hubby piccies, that is) is purely me gaping at nature’s wonders.

So here is a random selection of my photography for your perusal. To quote Dorothea MacKellar (My Country):

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror
The wide brown land for me!


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See all my Blogging A to Z posts here!

Best wishes,