On display for all the world to see

It is not well known on this website because I don’t tend to mention it much, but I’m also trained in graphic design and do both graphic design and web design for artists, small businesses and non-profit organisations. The reason I don’t advertise it is because while I enjoy it, it is not the purpose of this website, which is to showcase my fine art more than my graphic art.

But this week I was a little tickled pink when the brand new signs at our local primary school went up displaying the logo I designed for them late last year.

clapham primary school

The logo is based on the leaves of a local tree (endemic to the Adelaide area), Eucalyptus microcarpa (Grey Box) which when juvenile has different shaped leaves than the more mature leaves, hence the development stages of the leaf – learning and growing just like the kids.

So yeah, even though I didn’t paint the sign, or even have my signature anywhere, I did design the logo and this is my art on display just as much as any of my paintings. So yeah, just a little quiet excitement at work 😀

As for my fine art and putting it on show…

I have four paintings still in exhibition at the Goolwa Art and Photography Exhibition down south.

goolwa exhibition


And this Sunday sees the launch of the Now! exhibition at Artisan Gallery, 1099  South Road, Melrose Park SA 5039 in which I’m exhibiting Magenta Mist, completed last weekend. Come and join us for the opening, 3 – 5pm at the Gallery. Lots of nice art will be available to see and purchase, and not to mention the gallery owners are just fabulous people to know.

Magenta mist
Magenta Mist, paper mosaic and acrylic on wooden panel, 300 x 300mm.

And I have just entered three other paintings into another exhibition and have two more exhibitions lined up in the following two months. My fine art business is getting busy! Yay! And as I mentioned in my last post, it is all about production in this brand new funky studio of mine. Lots of stuff happening!

Now if I can just stop getting sick, and get through the kids birthday party to be held in my studio on Saturday, and wade through all the web maintenance tasks sitting in my task list, I will be able to produce more art 😀

And I’m submitting this to Paint Party Friday as there was paint involved over the weekend and I actually finished the mosaic above, plus started the next one 😀 Don’t forget to drop by and visit all the other great artists on the site.

Best wishes,
(I’m off the edge, but I’m learning to fly!)


9 responses to “On display for all the world to see”

  1. Lots of wonderful work this week, love the logo. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you Valerie-Jael 😀 Happy PPF (even though it is now Monday – PPF should go all week long :D)

      Best wishes,

  2. it does sound like you have a full plate… but so much of it is amazing, and fun and wonderful that it sounds like a joy… but then I don’t have to do it all… great post!!!!

  3. I love your graphic design and the explanation behind the leaves symbolism – perfect for kids growing in education. No wonder you are chuffed to see it displayed, so you should be! Congratulations on all the different exhibitions you have going on – that’s one busy art studio! I love Magenta Mist – it’s really mystical and intricate.

  4. Linda K Avatar

    that is so cool and I am so glad you shred it here for all of us to admire in blogland as well. Fab art pieces too! Happy PPF!

  5. Congratulations, LIz, on the sign’s logo. It is beautiful, clean, and clear to read and understand. I now wish that I had gone into graphic arts. I think I would have enjoyed it. Love your lovely art pieces too.

  6. Busy busy beautiful creative life! Great logo and wonderful faces you’ve created!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Really wonderful logo art. How exciting to have so many exhibits going on. Congratulations.

  8. What a great range of art. I like the notice board art very much, it’s a lovely minimalist design and is very effective.
    I also love your complex mosaic., it’s like stained glass.