Gathering photos

Since my first digital camera back in 2002, I have been gathering photos. Whenever we went out, travelled on holiday or simply wandered around the garden, my camera hasn’t been far from me. More recently with the increasing capabilities of the smart phone camera, I’ve had its basic capabilities at hand even closer. And then I discovered Instagram which prompted even more exploration and freedom with photos…and now I can connect my camera with my phone. The possibilities are endless.

Despite this technology, I am still an amateur. I had the option of purchasing a DSLR camera when I finally upgraded from my old faithful last year, but after delving into the technical expertise required to decently operate a DSLR, I once again chose to buy my high end compact (which looks like a DSLR, but has a computer in it that worries about the technicalities for me). I’m sure there are some limitations on what I can do with the camera compared to the DSLR, however, I do know that while Hubby is fiddling with his and missing the lens he left behind, I’ve already taken the shot. (Yeah, Hubby has a good DSLR so if I’m desperate I can borrow his, but I have to say, I’m not that interested.)

So I rely on the technology to take care of the focussing and the light, and I use what skill I have to focus on the composition and the subject.

Today we are in Hall’s Gap, a gorgeous little town snuggled deep in the Grampians, a rugged mountain range in the west of Victoria. It is cold and grey due to the fact the first day of winter was just yesterday and a few hundred kilometres further east and we’d be in snow country. The forecast tomorrow reaches a whole exciting top of 9C.

This morning we were mobbed by cockatoos and rosellas. So despite the cold I was out there in my dressing gown and pyjamas taking shot after shot of birds.


Stockshots. I’m a painter and random media artist. Despite the plethora of photographs now available on the web, it is best not to use any of them unless absolutely necessary and even then only in a fragmentary way in order to not breach copyright. So, stockshots. My photos, my copyright, and I can use them in any way, shape or form. I now have enough photographic info to paint cockatoos. I may not be painting them soon, but at some point in the future, should I choose to, I have the info available at hand.

And that is how it has worked for me for the last decade or so. I have a vast collection of photographs of scenery, plants, animals, anything that took my fancy. And there has been very little skill needed.

As this shot clearly shows in the lack of skill area. However, it has enough info to create a painting out of it.

Anyway, I can highly recommend that if you want to paint, draw or otherwise art or craft, if possible, collect your photos of the subjects you wish to pursue and shy away from using other people’s photos, and if it is not possible, gain explicit written permission. After all, don’t you prefer to be able to say that your artwork is yours and yours alone?

Oh, and can anyone offer me some recommendations for some good photo organising software? I have a large task ahead of me 😀

Best wishes,