Random art from the past

Trying to break my dry spell, here is a little scribble from wayback that I played with a little digitally tonight.

purpleheart digital


It’s not much, but I’m going to submit it to Sunday Sketches anyway. Gotta get back into the groove somehow. Don’t forget to drop by and have a squizz at all the wonderful art over there – Sunday Sketches.

Best wishes,


5 responses to “Random art from the past”

  1. beautiful abstract, I see a heart here.

  2. Beautiful and powerful piece. Love how the light is coming in and out. Hang in there – your groove will come back. Look at the things around you each day which appear ordinary…you’ll be surprised at the things which will bring you joy and spark creativeness in your spirit again. 🙂

  3. Wonderful! I so very much love the blue hues!

  4. This is a powerful piece. Blessings!

  5. Wow, there’s a lot of powerful energy flowing out of that piece! Looks like your on the track to creating again.