Welcome to my new website!

It has been a long time in coming, but it is finally here.

It feels like ages since I posted a blog post, probably because it is and I have to say it feels good to be writing again.

So what has been happening in the last six months?

October saw two paintings sell. November launched a new client’s website, PLSA.org.au. December was its usual crazy self, but in January I had an idea to combine one of my painting techniques with jewellery making and on the first of February, I opened my shop. And there are more plans afoot in that area as scramble madly to keep it in stock. February also saw me discover the wonders of polymer clay and I have been setting up the equipment to make the most of this fantastic arty substance. There has been some painting happening, as well. We’ve been playing with Abstract Expressionism at my art class and I now have three new paintings to show for it. April had someone offering to buy a painting I hadn’t considered selling. In May I was invited to quote for illustrating a children’s picture book and will be doing some preparation work for that in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for some quirky drawings here on this blog. I also attended a Professional development for artists workshop that had me meeting a new bunch of fellow arty people, always a good thing.And here we are in June with a brand new computer and a finally finished brand new website.

Firestorm, acrylic on canvas. approx. 250 x 250 mm.
Judgment, acrylic on canvas, approx. 770 x 770mm
Faceless, acrylic on canvas, approx. 510 x 760mm.

In the coming weeks I have five paintings to prep for two exhibitions, the picture book, a presentation for a client, the shop needs stocking as I have released some vouchers for a special event, and to top it all off, we are starting renovations on the studio, I will need to go portable and move several years worth of junk and my entire art supply collection and setup. It is going to be busy, but I hope good busy.

So new website….what is new about this site compared to the old one?

I finally have my portfolio online. A basis to build upon.

And there is the Inspiration Directory. This is a project I have had in the works for a couple of years now. It is still very basic, but finally I have the groundwork in place to simply add entries if I need to. You will find articles from my blog – interviews with artists, how-tos and general information on art materials and colour, but also there is an actual directory in there with lists of online challenges (something I have wanted to put together for ages because there is just no easy way to find these great resources other than word of mouth), and South Australia specific art courses, workshops, competitions and exhibitions (local because I have to be realistic on how much time I have available to update it).  Some of the categories are very under populated, but it is a start. If you have a challenge you would like to have added to the list, give me a yell with name of the challenge, web address of the challenge, a short summary, and, if you are super eager, an icon for the challenge.

So here I am. I hope you like the new website. If you stumble across anything that is not working properly, I would love it if you could let me know so I can fix it (I already know that a bunch of images haven’t moved across, maybe fixable, maybe not, apologies).

And it is great to be back in blogland!

Best wishes,


2 responses to “Welcome to my new website!”

  1. Welcome back to blogland. So happy to see you writing again

    1. Hey, Mynx. Great to see you here 😀 Thanks for welcome back 😀

      I’m gonna try to blog regularly again. Even have some ideas written down. Surprised how much I missed it.
