A Piece a Week 21 – Still Life with Emotion

It is closer to becoming a piece a month at the moment, but that is not due to a lack of effort on my part. I’ve been web designing for a client and working steadily on my art class project…which is finally finished (or as finished as I care to get it).

Still Life with emotion by Liz Powley

There are a gazillion issues with this, mostly with the composition, but I promised myself when I started this blog that I wouldn’t pick my artwork to shreds here, so I will just point out the bits I am very happy with.

I like the jug. It was a challenge, but I managed to crack it by adding a couple of elements that weren’t actually in the subject I was working from. I loved painting the fruit and would like to do more…if I can find a more inspirational way to use them other than a straight still life. I particularly like the plum in the middle of the painting 😀 The plant pot turned out quite well, too.

I learned a stack of things from this painting. I’ve certainly learnt that I know more than I thought I did and it has been exciting getting positive results from subjects I hadn’t even considered attempting.

Here be some in-progress shots.

Initial drawing…


An attempt of working back to front…which I managed to maintain through the majority of the painting process…

More started

Mostly blocked in and before the first of the compositional error corrections…

Still heavily in progress

And the final again…

Still Life with emotion by Liz Powley

And a close up…

Still Life with Emotion closeup

As part of the project we were supposed to emulate the style of Margaret Olley – an Australian still life impressionist with an interesting sense of composition (that I can’t decipher). I think I went a little too detailed to call it related to her style, but it was a valuable exercise in any case.

I also have another painting in progress, but I haven’t touched it for a while due to the above painting.

Eagle Bay WIP2

It is from a photo of Eagle Bay that I have really liked for a long time. I thought I’d give it a go and see if I can do it justice in paint. I’m quite busy at the moment, so my paintings are going to slow even further as my attention is drawn elsewhere….

….one of those elsewheres involves setting up my artwork for sale…..coming soon…hopefully.

Best wishes,


4 responses to “A Piece a Week 21 – Still Life with Emotion”

  1. love seeing the process shots and I think you are being a bit harsh … the bowl of pears is really lovely…xx

    1. Thanks, Tracey 😀 I really enjoyed painting the fruit and I’m really happy with how the jug and plant pot turned out, and I certainly lernt a lot painting it. Next we have skulls!

  2. I think it looks great. And you did a fantastic job on the folds of the tablecloth

  3. […] painting as it marked a whole pile of new things for me and I was happy with many aspects of it. You can find the details of the creation of this painting here. At the time I wanted to explore still life more, but as part of art class, I went on to paint […]