A moment in the studio – Artful Creations Days 17, 18, 19 & 20

Artful Creations Sunday Sketches

There was a time recently where I was posting every day. Somehow I have slipped out of that habit.

But! There has been art most days and today was one of those most.

I’ve been a little cramped for time this week in my efforts to complete one piece a week. Most of tomorrow will be spent with the children and most of last week was massacred by hormonal doldrums, but I am trying my best to get at least one of my many WIPs completed by Monday night (which is now less than twenty-four hours away).

So I turned to an unfinished portrait that has been sitting on my to-do list for months. And I got to use my new easel for the first time.

Studio shot

It is a portrait of my eldest daughter. I completed one of my youngest some time ago, and started this one not long after. This one is suffering from technical difficulties. I’ve already had to erase one of her eyes and redraw it. The redraw looks better, but things are still not one hundred percent.

On my art table there you can see a weird WIP that I started the night before. Acrylic, iridescent gel and tiny quartz rocks. I have no idea where it is going, but it does have some interesting textures.

Unknown wip1

I’m reusing a canvas that used to have ‘Herpy‘ written on it. I painted over that painting, leaving quite a bit of texture in the gesso. Who knows what this is going to turn into.

And a big Hi! to all from Sunday Sketches. I haven’t submitted to Sunday Sketches for some time now. Mostly because I haven’t been sketching. But this is definitely a sketch of my daughter, so here I am 😀 Make sure you drop on by to Sunday Sketches and check out all the lovely sketching going on.

And this is part of the Artful Creations blog hop! it is only a hop, skip and jump to some wonderful art. Go squizz!

Best wishes,
(determined to finish that drawing by tonight!)


3 responses to “A moment in the studio – Artful Creations Days 17, 18, 19 & 20”

  1. What fun colours! The chaotic pieve that reminds me of the ocean is exciting to me. Lovely portrait as well!

  2. Your WIPs look great, beautiful and interesting!

  3. Nice to see your studio. I am envious! Now that new piece has intrigue painted all over it. I love pieces like that – those that sort of tell you how they want to evolve.

    PS: with you on the hormone thing. I’ve been biting everyone’s head off all day!