From a volcano


This is a photo of the view from our front yard. You’re looking at the peak of an extinct ( or according to some people, dormant) volcano. We’re parked between the two major craters – this is the pinnacle of the Valley Lake crater. Behind us is the larger crater of the Blue Lake. We’re at Mount Gambier and because I have a memory like a sieve, this is my first Reverb post.

And I’m posting from my iPad for the first time, so this post maybe a little wonky.

So to answer the first few prompts really quickly as we are about to go out again…and I’m not a crash hot typist on this thing…

How are you starting?
Well, so far quite poorly. I spent all day Saturday in a car with my wonderful Hubby and two little girls, driving nearly 500 kms. As you can imagine, it was quite a long day. The girls did behave in the majority, but I have to say that because we can’t seem to get an early start with the girls, we were still driving past five in the afternoon. Future notes: drag kids out of bed at crack of dawn and leave even if I have to pack them in the car asleep. The drive was just painful by the time we arrived and I was buggered.

My most significant spend?
I would have said my house, because that is the most money we have ever spent ( or are still spending), but for nearly ten years we shelled out thousands of dollars in fertility treatment…which resulted in my two beautiful girls. I certainly haven’t spent any money more significant than that.

What do you really want?
So far I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever really wanted. I consider myself spoilt. I could do with a little more money, and maybe Hubby with a job he likes more, but we’re happy and healthy, touch wood right now. If I want something, I try to work towards it and so far I’ve been very lucky regarding the things I can’t control.

And here is the little bit of art I managed to do last night…


Inktense in my journal, unfinished, just mucking around.

Anyway, must dash, off to show the kids a cave and then off to the beach. Hope you are all well.

Best wishes,


2 responses to “From a volcano”

  1. Lovely bubbles!

  2. Hi, Liz! Love the art journal page with all the bubbles! Soooooo cool! ♥