A fling with iridescent gel

Sunday Sketches

Long time, no post. So much for Blogtoberfest. Illness took care of that. Halfway through the month and I’ve managed a whole one post ::sigh:: Oh well, back onto the rails and back to our regular programming.

I am having a love affair with iridescent gel. I can’t seem to get away from it, not that I want to. I can’t help but throw some into almost all my paintings at the moment. I just love the lustre.

Candles wip with iridescent gel

I first used it on my daughter’s mermaid painting, but recently I used it on my toucan painting and now on my new wip, Candles.

Candles wip1

As you can see it is still very much a work in progress, layer after layer after layer with lots more layers to go, but one of those layers was of iridescent gel.

Candles wip after iridescent gel coat

Here you can see some of that shine even though I have layered over it a couple of times already (this piccy was taken quite a while before the piccy above it). In fact I think I will be adding another layer of the gel soon.

I also added the gel to my fairy forest wip some weeks back and today I got that painting out (so many wips lying around here at the moment). Having been mostly unable to art all week due to either illnes, work or motherhood, I declared today an art day (with mixed results). I didn’t get a huge amount done, but I did start adding undergrowth to my forest.

Fairy forest wip2

Fairy forest wip2 closeup

I kinda got slowed down painting today by the plague of mosquitos inhabiting my back porch. One of the first warm days (after storm and hail earlier in the week), and they were out in force. I swear I killed ten by hand and I’m a poor shot. Hard to paint when you have man-eating bugs landing on your painting hand. I even had one die in my palette. Annoying!

But! I made a beginning on what appears to be a forest that doesn’t exist simply because I have a South Australian plant tangled up in a Western Australian plant already. Yes, I know that sounds neurotic, but Aussie plant enthusiast here. I knows my natives 😀 In any case they are still very wip so more to come in the future I hope.

And now onto Sunday Sketches

What lion

Another Life Inspired cartoon…or in this case Cat Inspired 😀 I’ve been meaning to rehash this idea for awhile. I drew the original scribble almost exactly two years ago and I just liked it. I might rehash another one or two from that stash and start a series of Cat Inspired 😀

Don’t forget to wander by Sunday Sketches and have a squizz at all the wonderful talent over there.

I’m back on track. Let there be art!

Oh, and many, many thanks to all the new likes on my Facebook page. You guys are fantastic and I hope I can return the favour.

Best wishes,


2 responses to “A fling with iridescent gel”

  1. Love the candles and your fairy forest is going to be beautiful.
    I looked at the iridescent gel the other day and wondered what it was like.
    Something to put on my “to try” list

  2. HI Liz,
    These wips are great – I love the look of the iridescent medium – one to put on my wishlist I think…lol. I also laughed at your comment on mixing native plants – I have an aunt who is very knowledgeable about all of this – unfortunately for me I don’t, but admire them all the same!
    Hope you are feeling better – my toddler & I have a yucky cold atm – just what you don’t want when we have a week of this weather!