Blogtoberfest 2012

Blogtoberfest 2012

I thought it appropriate that I stumbled across this challenge today. I have encountered it before, but completely forgot about it until that chance encounter today. It must be fate.

So here be my statement of intention – despite the fact that I find stating my intentions to be kinda scary since if I don’t follow through with said intentions, we all get to see me fail said intentions. So with that in mind…

For the month of October 2012 I am hoping to blog at least once a day. I have children, anything can happen (sounds like a good bumper sticker :D…or a Life Inspired cartoon…hmmm). I managed to blog for the entirety of April, so I’m going to give it another go. But this time I’m going to try something else.

For some time now I have been wanting to expand the howtos/workshops/explorations on this website. One of the things I really wanted to do here is create a resource for inspiration and techniques. Life continues to get in the way, ironically my art being a chief culprit, and I have neglected this aspect.

So I am hoping that for thirty days of October I will present a blog post on an aspect of art, rotating through five themes – colour, shape, tone, texture and line. Some posts will examine technique, some will inform, and some will simply reflect my experiences. All will hopefully be useful or interesting in some way.

Even if I don’t complete the full thirty, I should manage at least some and that will be useful in itself.

So are you going to join me for the ride? Check out the nice long list of bloggers already signed up and put on your seatbelt.

Today is day one, so instead of skimping out on providing you all with a technique, here is a video of my popular bubble painting technique just for the new peeps who haven’t seen it and below is a short list of some of the explorations I have here on this website already.


Bubble painting – How to, more notes, and further examples (check out the goodies offer, it’s still valid).
Self-leveling gel
Butterfly paintings
Juice carton stencils
Experiments with carbon paper
How I learnt portraiture – less of a howto and more of an inspirational post
I do make a point of capturing my artworks in progress in case anyone can pick up useful info from how I manage to do things, so you will find lots of wip piccies accompanying many of my completed works as well.
I hope you find this and the coming posts useful. Don’t forget to let me know. I love to know if I’m writing in the right direction 😀
Best wishes,


3 responses to “Blogtoberfest 2012”

  1. Melinda Cole Avatar
    Melinda Cole

    Hi Liz, I’ll be cheering you on. Looking forward to the posts. What a great personal challenge! BTW you reminded me I once saw a sticker on the back of a car that read ” You don’t scare me I have kids ” I could so relate LOL happy writing

  2. Hi Liz, i’m looking forward to all the posts on your processes. Great to see you blogtobering too 🙂

  3. Hya Liz! What a fantastic challenge you have set yourself.
    I am really looking forward to learning more art techniques through your videos.
    Delighted to have you as part of the Blogtoberfest12 crew.
    Kat xxx