Inspired People – Ivana Pinaffo

Inspired People

Artists are inspired people. But what makes them create what they create? What lights the fire that produces such wonderful work? Here are a few questions that will hopefully inspire some answers.

I’m excited to post this, the first of the return of this series. And we have a fantastic inspired person under the spotlight – Ivana Pinaffo, an artist of stunning talent with a love of colour that draws me in like a moth to a flame. Her work is vibrant and beautiful across a plethora of subjects. I’m really happy to have her here today. Thankyou for sharing your inspirations, Ivana!

Spring field by Ivana Pinaffo
Spring field by Ivana Pinaffo

The Artist

Who are you? What factors in your life have led you to create? Was it an epiphany moment or something that has always been?

My name is Ivana Pinaffo. I was born in North Africa and in 1970 migrated to Australia (Melbourne) with my family. We also lived in Malta where I studied English. These three countries have collided to represent my talent on canvas.

My artistic background started at a very young age when I would spend my pocket money purchasing art material and the encouragement received by my family was great.

Rainy day in Rome by Ivana Pinaffo
Rainy day in Rome by Ivana Pinaffo

Were you ever distracted away from your art and creating by the need to make a living? Have you ever stopped creating?

I stopped creating when I arrived in Australia due to the fact that I had to work to start a new life in a foreign country. This was followed by getting married and starting a family.  I resumed dabbling with art after my daughters got married.  The urge to search in my creative being was strong and determined to try again.


The Art

What do you create? Do you have a niche or do you spread your creativity across several disciplines? Do you have a preferred subject?

I paint all manner of subject matter with a focus to the core of the essence being; the form, colour and texture. The bright colours are my style and I enjoy portraying them in a pleasant way. I use basic primary colours to create 3D imagery that pushes the opportunity of textures to its boundaries. Any subject is my favourite as everything gives me the challenge to explore and to test my creativity.


The musicians by Ivana Pinaffo
The musicians by Ivana Pinaffo (available for sale)

How often do you create? Do you procrastinate? How do you balance the things that have to be done versus the things you want to do?

I would love to be in my studio 24/7 but the daily commitments of life sometime squash my desire to do so. The best that I can do daily is to go in my studio even for just looking at books, photos and art material to inspire me in my next task.

When I have a free day and my creating flow is active my studio is there waiting for me. This place is where time stops and all else ceases to exist. When I am painting this place becomes my entire universe. It is a sacred and treasured place that I find myself needing to connect with time and time again.

My grandson by Ivana Pinaffo Melbourne alleyway by Ivana Pinaffo
My grandson by Ivana Pinaffo Melbourne alleyway by Ivana Pinaffo (available for sale)


Do you have any advice for other artists?

My advice to other artists is to believe in oneself, practise and persevere. Never be afraid of failures which in return teach us to improve.

I have exhibited at numerous art shows and have received many awards that are all still equally memorable. Of course I always aspire to receive more.

I am a member of  Hobson’s Bay Arts Society and my work can be viewed at

I will be exhibiting my work from the 25th of June to the 5th of August 2012 at the Gift Givers Gallery, 54 Watton Street, Werribee Victoria. All the art work will be for sale.


Carnevale in Venice by Ivana Pinaffo
Carnevale in Venice by Ivana Pinaffo (available for sale)


16 responses to “Inspired People – Ivana Pinaffo”

  1. What beautiful paintings. She is so very talented. I shall have to look for other work by her

    1. ivana pinaffo Avatar
      ivana pinaffo

      Thanks so much for your comment and for liking my work

  2. Karin Zeller Avatar
    Karin Zeller

    Congratulations, Ivana! Great to see your talent on show here on Gumnut. Indeed, very inspiring. : )

    1. ivana pinaffo Avatar
      ivana pinaffo

      Thank you dear Karin, your comments are always appreciated.I would like to let you know that your article here on Gumnut is great and your talent is inspiring and brilliant.

      1. Karin Zeller Avatar
        Karin Zeller

        Thank you, Ivana! I appreciate it. I was pretty pleased with the write up, and it tells people a bit more about me, which I was happy to share.

  3. Your work is amazing!!

    1. ivana pinaffo Avatar
      ivana pinaffo

      Thank you Sonia

  4. shirley fisher Avatar
    shirley fisher

    Congratulations, Ivana, Your vibrant colours have inspired me to paint the flowers i have been planning to paint, Well done! Good luck with your exhibition in werribee.

    1. ivana pinaffo Avatar
      ivana pinaffo

      Hi Shirley, thanks for sending your comments and feedback. I am so glad that my style and colours ar inspiring you and many others.

  5. Ivana, your creativity and imagination is amazing and inspiring. Your paintings are a constant source of beauty and your generosity in helping, guiding and inspiring others is so kind.

    Keep it up Ivana! We love seeing your creative mind in action and the world needs more people with your positive approach to life.

    1. ivana Pinaffo Avatar
      ivana Pinaffo

      Wow, thank you very much dear Kirsty, it is a joy to read this comment that I appreciate immensely.

  6. Adele Bailey Avatar
    Adele Bailey

    Love your work Ivana

    1. ivana Pinaffo Avatar
      ivana Pinaffo

      Thank you Adele, it has been a long journey from the art that I use to bring at the credit union. Hard work pays off, but there is still a lot to learn and to achieve. regards Ivana

  7. I am way too late getting here and reading this and this work is inspiring… wonderful colours and textures… so glad I didn’t miss this post… hope the exhibition is a raging success…xx

  8. ivana pinaffo Avatar
    ivana pinaffo

    Thanks so much Tracey for stopping by and viewing this. Your comments are appreciated. I have viewed your post and left a message but not sure that it has gone through. regards

  9. […] I love colour?). You can find her on RedBubble and Bluethumb and on Instagram and Facebook. I also interviewed her for my Inspired People series all those years ago and I’m still in love with her work – […]