A little fanart to educate myself

Sunday Sketches

In my quest for self education in the area of portraiture, I once again made an attempt to scribble down a face portraying emotion. Since I’m hip deep in the Avengers fandom at the moment, I took a scene from a fanfic I read recently and drew inspiration from that.

While it is blatantly fan art, it did require me to challenge my skills.  I had to alter a lot from the original stockshots and I’m gaining confidence in my ability to do that. It is full of faults, of course, but I think the important bits are there, like no defiance of gravity, actual posture of subjects possible, things like that. And I got the right feel into their faces.

My quest continues.


Injured, graphite pencil on cartridge, approx 14″ x 11″.

Best wishes,
(be careful, my crazy fandom side is peeking out)


19 responses to “A little fanart to educate myself”

  1. you have captured the emotions here! nice job.

    1. Thankyou 😀 I definitely need practise in that area.


  2. Does this mean you got to stare at Robert Downey Jnr for hours? Lucky you!!

    Great piece with all that emotion there too.

    1. Yes, I did 😀 But he was unconscious 🙁 so I’ll just have to draw some other composition where his eyes are open 😀

      Any excuse really 😀

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

      1. And I do think his eyes are his best bit …. although the rest of him measures up pretty well too…

  3. wow, i can feel the mood here! GREAT work and sketching!

    1. Thank you 😀 I’m trying hard to get emotion correct in my portrait drawings now. Not an easy task for me, so thanks 😀

      And thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  4. wow, a great emotional piece today! Nice work!

    1. Thank you 😀 And thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  5. Amazing and well done sketches ~ full of expression~ ~ ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you 😀 It’s a challenge, but I seem to finally be getting somewhere.

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  6. Mannika Avatar

    i love pencil sketches and this one is rather amazing!!!

    1. Thankyou. Yes, it is lovely to get back to the first medium I learnt in. It’s been ignored for years, but now I can play with it as much as I want and hopefully improve my skill in it.

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  7. This is awesome. I am not really brave enough to try portraiture yet

    1. Funnily enough it is one of the first things I tried when I realised I could draw at age 7. I remember attempting to draw Prince Charles off a cover of a Women’s Weekly magazine, one of those ones celebrating his marriage to Lady Diana, and also a school friend in year 7 asked me to do a portrait of Michael Jackson for her. Neither were very good at all and the idea of how to do it didn’t really click until I was 18, but for some reason I’ve always been drawn to it. Though funnily enough, I hate drawing the human body. I can do it to a certain extent, but not with the right emotion or movement. I think that is next on my list of practise subjects I might throw into fandom. I might do some action shots of the Avengers 😀

      Yes, I’m a hopeless fangirl 😀


  8. Holy cow, this is a FABULOUS sketch!! You are seriously good and I don’t recall ever getting to see this side of you. Wow! Thanks for sharing with us. 🙂

    1. Yes, I have a whole crazy fangirl complex in the closet 😀 But it has been useful in the past. A year’s worth of Star Trek portraiture got me into a highly competitive graphic design college and I primed my writing skills on writing fan fiction which in turn got me my current job (the writing skills not the fan fiction :D). It has its non-crazy uses 😀

      And it generally lives on an entirely other blog and only leaks into this one on very rare occasions where art meets fandom vaguely productively.

      I’m really enjoying the chance to flex my portraiture skills and when I need a subject, fandom delivers nicely. I should probably do some of my family while I’m at it though 😀

      Thanks for your lovely comments.

      Best wishes,
      (who needs to bend those portraiture skill beyond the obvious head shots and move into something with more action…though that will involve drawing the human body…certainly not my favourite subject)

  9. That is very cool… I was so annoyed to miss it… am now counting down the days to it coming out on dvd… this is great and gives you the perfect excuse to gaze at pics of lovely boys to draw them… even better!!!!

  10. I love this. You did a great job. So please don’t cut yourself down for any perceived imperfections. I have an incredibly hard time straying from copying photos. When I do–as you noted–in can be tough to get things like balance of gravity right as well posture that does’t seem somehow off.

    And perhaps even more importantly you conveyed emotion and a story here.

    I’m also a big fan of things like fan fiction and fan art myself (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine mostly) though I don’t create any of my own.