Inspiration is the seed of creativity

Sunday Sketches 30 days of creativity

It seems that I’m creating for a whole bunch of challenges this month and apart from last week when I was sick, it is proving to be great fun.

Due to illness and my crazy attempt to finish my painting for the Monthly Painters Challenge, I’m only just now starting my Summer of Color challenge for this week – choc-mint.

Yesterday I did a sketch of a very rough idea. This is my submission for this week’s Sunday Sketches. It’s not much, but I’m hoping it will develop into a nice little piece (asap! It’s due tomorrow).

Chocmint sketchAnd today I’ve managed to put down the groundwork for a small painting based on it.

Chocmint wip1

The brown really feels like I’m painting with chocolate. It was a witches brew of paint and medium with both modelling paste and iridescent medium thrown in there along with some glitter and several different colours to get this chocolate shade.

The painting is currently sitting on my drying bench as I wait for the paste to dry in these rather cold temperatures. In summer I only have to blink and its dry, in winter it can be several days. I’m hoping it is dry by tonight so I can start the painting for real and get it done for tomorrow.

I did prefer the linework of the bark in the sketch, but the medium just wouldn’t let me pursue it. It would be better to do that linework with either pastel or pen, but I’m cray for acrylics at the moment and it missed out.

Now, don’t forget to wander on over to the three challenge sites above. Lots of crazy and inspirational artwork is happening out there at this moment. These two are my submissions for days 16 and 17 of the 30 Days of Creativity.

I’m feeling better now (thank goodness) and there is art on my horizon 😀 Thanks for all your kind wishes in my last post. It was a sucky week, but I think I’ve finally killed off the majority of the invaders and am feeling much better.

Best wishes,

PS…I did do the first week of Summer of Color, but didn’t really submit my works to the group as I was just massacred by that cold and wasn’t really happy with anything I did manage. But I did blog about them during the week and you can find them here –

Tutti Frutti (such a gorgeous colour selection)
Some paper cutouts that I never finished (and a sketch of Tony Stark, who I’m kinda crazy about at the moment :D)
Create doodle

Many thanks to all the wonderful people who have commented here over the last week. My apologies for not replying as yet. I’ve been curled up on the couch (usually with kids climbing all over me) and haven’t really gotten to anything coherent beyond the basics yet. Please do know that I appreciate all the kind words and comments I receive here and every single one is read and cherished and they push me to greater heights with my art and really…I couldn’t do it without you. So many thanks. You are all wonderful.





14 responses to “Inspiration is the seed of creativity”

  1. Painting with chocolate… now there’s a delicious idea!

    Sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather. Hope you bounce back soon. This is coming along deliciously!!

  2. glad you are feeling better – i really like the message you have here and the tree….

  3. Glad you are ‘on the mend’ ~ love the start of your creation ~ going to be wonderful! ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  4. wonderful that you are feeling better.
    your sketch is wonderful, i enjoy all the detailed lines
    the next expression of it is wonderful to see too.

  5. A chocolate tree suits me just fine. Love the mint green background too. I am getting hungry this morning seeing everyones Sunday Sketchings in greens and browns. (from that other challenge!) they blend together so well with this one. Happy SS.

  6. Wow!! Great piece!!

  7. Great painting 🙂

  8. lovely tree! I hope you are well soon!

  9. I almost always have some sort of chocolate around whilst working on art! 🙂 And I think your tree is more than “not much”. It’s wonderful and I’m excited to see how you’ll finish this piece. Happy SS!

  10. I absolutely LOVE the type treatment!! And the tree… is yummy as chocolate!!

  11. This is looking great. Cant wait to see it finished

  12. This looks incredible! Really nice!

  13. […] The original sketch and previous WIP photo can be found here . […]

  14. I love the pencil drawing, I am crazy about line and pencil…and the color version is so chocolatey rich and the texture is so lush… I can almost taste that little painting! Are you going to do more with it?