
Monthly painters challenge Paint Party Friday 30 days of creativity

Okay, so I’ve been sick. This has put a spanner in the works for just about everything. I’ve been reset to the basics, looking after the kids and pretty much nothing else, including being off sick from work.

But…the Monthly Painters Challenge was coming up due today and I have had an idea for the challenge since the day I first saw it…yeah, this is where the word ‘procrastination’ usually gets thrown at me, but 😛 the last month has been one of migraines, colds and other unmentionable health issues, so I’m sticking with that excuse.

So this idea…on Tuesday I had a period of feeling vaguely okay and the weather was sunny, so I let the kids outside and quickly slapped down the basics for this painting. Today, only sheer determination dragged me off the couch to finish it. The result is the most slapped together hack of a painting I have ever done, full of faults, but it illustrates the idea.

So the challenge was ‘breakfast’, and that is what the painting is called.

BreakfastBreakfast, acrylic on canvas, approx. 450 x 450mm

For future reference, one should not use a photo of a hamster ( I think?) when trying to draw a mouse (yes, I didn’t realise it until halfway through, yes, I’m short a few of those higher functions in my brain :D). Mice are much skinnier and the resulting repairs will make said mouse look odd. Also, a hamster is brown, this mouse is white and clearly demonstrates how much practise I need in making up things when I’m painting.

I also had some difficulty both painting and photographing the black parts of this painting. Glare kept interfering with my tonal estimates and you can see to the left that the painting looks lighter on that side…it isn’t, that is just light reflecting off the surface. Very annoying.

All my instincts were telling me to cartoon this, but it is a painting challenge. Sure I could have painted a cartoon, but I’m not sure my skills are up to it yet and quite frankly, been sick.

So hack of a painting it is.

So I am submitting this to the Monthly Painters Challenge, which is the main reason why it got painted, but also to Paint Party Friday which happens to be today (and I’ve missed two weeks in a row, aaargh!) and my pathetic attempt at 30 Days of Creativity will be assisted by this also. don’t forget to go check out these three challenges, there are some great artworks and artists out there waiting to be drooled over.

And now I will crawl back to the couch.

Best wishes,


20 responses to “Breakfast”

  1. I love this take on the topic and glad you dragged yourself off the lounge to finish it and share it… I laughed out loud when I saw it and I love it… and I wouldn’t know a hamster from a mouse so as far as I am concerned you have done a stellar job… now go back to the couch and rest up!!!!

  2. Loving your wonderful painting, awesome. Hope you feel better soon. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Fantastic! The fact that he is chubby makes him all the tastier! Happy PPF!

  4. O-oh! 🙂 Fabulous painting! I know that look. My cats keep catching the mice lately. It’s either the mice are too fat to outrun the cats or they are way too courageous these days. I keep saving them though. 🙂

  5. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick but am glad you dragged yourself out of your sick bed to paint this. I just saw the eyes first and oh my they are hypnotising and then gave a little ‘aw oh no’ when I saw the poor mouse completely oblivious – I know it’s nature but I’m such a sad sack!! A great interpretation of the breakfast challenge and a wonderful painting!

  6. Feel better soon ~ loving your dramatic creative art ~namaste, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I LOVE, love, LOVE this! I really hope you win, especially after how difficult it was for you to manage finishing it! I’ve been watching MPC for a while and I really want to join, maybe in the Fall after the kids get back to school?
    Anyway, GREAT job, GOOD LUCK and Happy PPF!

  8. This is fantastic! As soon as I read the headline and saw the eyes, I was laughing. I think you did a great job, especially since you have the lurgy.

  9. After all your apologies I find this to be a dramatic and delightful (except for the poor mouse of course) painting! My heart goes out to it (the mouse) and you (for your fighting those illnesses) and hope he got away and you got better! HPPF!

  10. OMG am SO GLAD you did this!!!!! Love it!!!!! It’s a great take on the theme, and the dramatic tension is just incomparable. I love the way the mouse is just chilling eating this cheese, completely happy with life, and this great lurking evil is in the background, ready to pounce — is not life a lot like this sometimes? There we are pursuing our own agendas, when bigger, more chaotic realities take over — the way the threatening cat takes over the landscape is masterfully done, and the mouse’s expression is pure theatre. Sorry for rambling on but I just love this so much 😀

  11. Oh my gosh, this is wonderful! So dramatic and mysterious..well done! I love the little mouse, so cute!

  12. What a SUPER great take on breakfast! Wow. So real….and creepy! Watch out Mr. Mouse!!! 😀 Happy PPF

  13. i hope you feel better very soon! And your painting is very striking! The cat’s eyes would definitely strike fear in me!! I love your work!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Happy PPF!

  14. Wow I love it!! I think it absolutely top notch…It’s a fun vivid piece! It’s got my vote and interest!! Well done! Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. I love them – perfect for the them and they both have such character.

    hope you are feeling much better very soon.

  16. Wonderfully creative interpretation of “breakfast.”
    Hope you’re feeling better soon.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  17. I love your take on the subject! It put a rather squeemish smile on my face. Hope you are feeling better.

  18. Absolutely amazing!

  19. I really love this. It makes me smile. Hope you are finally over the lurgy.
    Hard enough to be dealing with sick kids but when you are sick yourself it is even harder.
    Hugs for you

  20. I’m somewhat behind in visiting PPF entries, so I hope you’re feeling better by now. I love your painting.