30 Days of Creativity – Days 4 & 5

30 days of creativity

I missed a blog post yesterday, but I did not miss my creative time.

Last night I sat down and played with some cut up paper and some inktense pencils (still love them). I can’t show you the entire piece (though it isn’t finished yet, so not really much to see anyway) as it is for another challenge which has a specific reveal date, but here is a sneak peek.

Tutti frutti WIP

Tonight I should have been working on the above as it has a long way to go, but didn’t really feel like it. I’m currently obsessing on Ironman and the Avengers, so I sat down with my Sis in front of the TV and we both sketched in our sketchbooks. Just for the hell of it, and maybe a little practise, I drew Tony Stark.

Tony Stark

Aside from the fact that every single time I look at him, I see something new that’s wrong, I don’t think he is too bad for a quick sketch.  More portraiture practise under my belt…and I got to stare at Robert Downey Jr for a couple hours, so lots of fun 😀

Now what will I do tomorrow?

Hope you are all having fun with your 30 Days of Creativity!

Best wishes,

See all my 30 Days of Creativity posts!


4 responses to “30 Days of Creativity – Days 4 & 5”

  1. both are fantastic… love the line work in your sketch… you have created such structure but the colours in the first piece are just wonderful…xx

  2. That Tony Stark drawing is AWESOME!! Seriously, I love it. I don’t see much wrong with it at all! Artists are always their own worst critics… don’t be too hard on yourself!

  3. The portrait is wonderful. And I love the patterns in the first pic.

  4. Amazing colors on your WIP!
    And Robert looks very good!! Great job!