T is for Texture

Textures are fun. I have to say I enjoy creating textures. From my bubble painting

Green-orange-yellow bubble painting

to my oil pastel experiments

Swirl texture

and my acrylic experiments

acrylic experiment

and, of course, my butterfly paintings

Butterfly excerpt 3

They’ve all been extremely fun to create. Of course there are two aspects of texture – visual texture and tactile texture.

Visual texture is for the eyes only. A mixture of pattern, colour and feel. Feel with your eyes? Sure! How a colour feels, how a pattern causes you to react. Emotional impact.

Tactile texture…run you fingertips across the texture and find it three-dimensional. I’ve recently been experimenting with stencils and modeling paste. Tonight I took it a step further and created a stencil designed to make a texture. A fairly simple one and I certainly can expand on this experiment, but it can be used to create a tactile texture in any case.

Swirl stencil texture

I created the stencil with a hole punch and some juice carton.

Swirl stencil

I’m still really excited about this technique. It has so many possibilities.

Other tactile textures I’ve been playing with tonight include gesso –

Gesso texture

For once in my life I didn’t do swirls. Plans for this include swiping paint over the top of it to highlight the texture.

The gesso was thrown down in my art journal and is drying as I type. On the opposite page I’ve slapped down some clear granular gel laced with some black flecks. The combination has some interesting possibilities.

Clear granular gel with black specks

I could go on for a long time, there are so many textures I could play with. I certainly am exploring new textures all the time and playing around with ideas. One technique I’ve found very inspirational is to create a background or texture, just slap in down, and create a piece of work from that. Half the challenge is taken once you have something on the canvas/page and textures are fantastic for doing that.

Best wishes,


3 responses to “T is for Texture”

  1. Loving your post today. As a beader, I know the value of having texture in a piece. You have captured visual texture to a t with the painting examples. Loving the colors of that last one. Sounds like you are going to have fun with your texturing stencils too. Cant wait to see what else you do with it. -Debbie

    1. Thanks, Debbie 😀 It is really fun to just play around with art materials and see what happens.

      Two of those tactile textures up there have already had vermillion painted over them in preparation for my V post 😀

      Thanks so much for dropping by.

      Best wishes,

  2. I particularly love the black flecks in jelly. I agree – it can really start things off to just play about and create and see what happens. Funny how our eyes crave texture and pattern. It’s all around us in nature, I guess – clouds, branches, water ripples and the like.