Month: April 2012

  • Z is for Zentangle

    Zentangle is a tradename for meditative doodling. Grab a piece of paper, a pen and just draw. It has become a well defined artform with accredited Zentangle teachers, books, websites and groups of people focussed on this fun and relaxing art.

  • Mermaid still in progress

    Just a quick update before I dash to serve up dinner. My mermaid painting from this sketch last week which I did some more of during the week and today.

  • Y is for Yarn and a Yelp for help

    Do you remember string painting in primary school? Where with a lot of glue, string and mess, you make a picture out of gluing string to paper in patterns. If I recall correctly it was sometimes used to create a print as the string created a raised surface.

  • X is for X

    What do you see?

  • Mermaid in progress

    This is a follow up on my mermaid sketch from last Sunday. I’ve started painting.

  • W is for Watercolour Pencil

    W is for Watercolour Pencil

    While my watercolour pencil explorations are on hold while Inktense and watercolour paints take over my interest, I will always have a fond thought for my hardworked watercolour pencils. They’ve done a lot of work.

  • V is for Vermillion

    V is for Vermillion

    V is for Vermillion. I love the colour vermillion, but as I asked Hubby the other day, is it orange or red? I’m voting orange, but of course, Hubby votes red

  • U is for Unique

    For a long time I used to look at other artists’ work and be intimidated, particularly if they were very good at what they did. I’m talking those artists that seem to be able to get their realism so real a photograph couldn’t do a better job. While I know I can draw quite well,…

  • T is for Texture

    One technique I’ve found very inspirational is to create a background or texture, just slap in down, and create a piece of work from that. Half the challenge is taken once you have something on the canvas/page and textures are fantastic for doing that.

  • Mermaid II

    Do you remember the mermaid sketch I did a while back? Its intention was a layout sketch for a painting for my eldest daughter. Unfortunately, eldest daughter had some reservations about the composition. The octopus got his marching orders and a number of other things weren’t what she wanted, so I’ve revised the sketch, changed…