Illustration Friday & Sunday Sketches – Swept Away

Illustration Friday Sunday Sketches

I was inspired in bed. I woke up early and lay there thinking randomly. Came up with this idea for the Illustration Friday challenge ‘swept’. Also I’d like to submit it to Sunday Sketches (even though it is more painting than a sketch) because I’ve failed to show up with anything for that challenge for several weeks running. I did sketch the house, does that count?

Swept away - March 2011

Swept away – March 2011, watercolour on watercolour paper, approx. 285 x 200 mm.

I had several technical difficulties with this piece as it is a very new medium to me. I made some dumb-ass mistakes, but I’ve learnt and hopefully won’t do them again.

(ever learning)


14 responses to “Illustration Friday & Sunday Sketches – Swept Away”

  1. this is really good…the best ones come randomly don’t they?

  2. I see it more of an abstract piece – the open space is like the void after the storm or something like that.

    have a lovely day.

  3. Very cool. Wonderful sky.

  4. Marlene Avatar

    Wonderful watercolor. Great idea for the prompt swept.

  5. The word ethereal comes to mind and goes great with swept. Love the colour combination.

  6. love the zen like simplicity of this.

  7. Every painting starts from some form of a sketch/drawing. This is quite a piece and really says alot with the way you have protrayed it. Nice work.

  8. Very powerful piece. (If there were any technical difficulties, I wouldn’t have noticed them.)

  9. I like the dumbass mistakes the best. I learn so much about the product when I totally screw up. I think this piece is perfect for swept theme. I keep meaning to do Illustration Friday, but I never get to it! You’ve inspired me!

  10. Really lovely. This illustration has a beautiful quality. I love the simplicity.

  11. very beautiful and simple – i like that!

  12. I really like this. You got the sky – horizon perfect. The sense of depth, peace yet desolation makes this painting something that you can look at for ages. It is very restful.

  13. […] Swept Away by Gumnut : Simple and quiet, yet there is much going on. […]