Creative Every Day – Wreath Wattle 2

Creative Every Day

I have to make more of an effort to do artwork every day. I’m finding that I’m blogging every day, but not so much doing the art I want to blog about, so, uh, yeah, I need to rewire my working schedule.

The Creative Every Day challenge has helped me out a lot in the past, but over the last couple of months, I’ve let it slip. I think I need to put a bit more effort in to keep it up (says me at ten past midnight).

So, what have I managed to do this past week?

Well.. I have several works in progress started this week. The Red Parrot Pea I featured for Sunday Sketches, my Spectrum Square for Orange Peel is half done on my dining table, and today, despite losing the entire afternoon to yet another migraine (two in three days, how annoying – and on a long weekend ::sigh:: well, at least Hubby was home to look after the kids while I fled to bed), I managed to start a new largish pastel painting …

Wreath Wattle 2 work-in-progress
Wreath Wattle 2, work-in-progress, pastel on dark green canson pastel paper,  375 x 550 mm.


I’ve gone weirdly abstract with the whole concept of the wattle shape and form. I’m happy with how the wattle flowers are evolving, but I think I need to rework the shape of the leaves. It is a bit of a new direction for me in the land of abstract so I’m quite excited about it.

Would you believe that this is a derivative of the one piece of art I did finish this week (blogged here)? It is in fact what the piece below was initially meant to be, but it went in a different direction, and I think pastel better suits the design for the sequel anyway.

Wreath wattle
Wreath Wattle, acrylic on board, approx. 300 x 300 mm.


So, yes, I did art today. Whether I do art tomorrow is another matter entirely. Though I must say that now I have my art desk nice and clean, there is a higher chance of it.

(don’t forget to visit all the other Creative Every Day peeps, there is some great art in the making out there :D)


25 responses to “Creative Every Day – Wreath Wattle 2”

  1. I love your Wreath Wattle. It is really beautiful. I also cleaned off my desk hoping that having it nice and clean would keep me inspired to write. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. Loving the new abstract design.
    I hear you on the blogging / art ratio. 😀 Not even going into the “read artists blogs” / blogging my own / art ratio. 😉

  3. Your wattle flower is amazing! You did the pistons(?) so well!! The variation likes incredibly intriguing!!

  4. i love your new abstract design. the colors are also amazing!

  5. Marlene Avatar

    I love this, the design is so interesting. I hear you about the ratio of art to anything else, art seems to lose around here. Must change that.

  6. I have to say that you are quite talented with both mediums you have shown here. I have just purchased some pastels and did my first quick sketch the other day. I LOVE them so far. I can’t wait to see how your large piece turns out.

    I feel for you with the migraines. I suffer from those and frequent sinus headaches. Hope you feel better soon. 🙂

  7. Gorgeous..your work is striking and very magnetic..I love the yellows..they are vibing with much energy..beautiful work! Shine on!

  8. Hi Nutty!

    I’m so glad you’re playing along! I think both of these are wonderful… you definitely have me intrigued by the start of the pastels…
    I hope your daughter is feeling better 🙂
    I look forward to more Nutty paintings! Wheeeee!!!


  9. Oh gorgeous! Amazing work, Love the yellow and the close up perspective here! xo

  10. Your work with color is very good, perhaps amuse you if you spend most of the forms and work with masses of color. Greetings

  11. Oh WOW, I love your style! And I’m a huge admirer of abstract so double wow! I also paint flowers, stop by my blog if you like 🙂

    1. I’d love to drop by, but the link in your name isn’t working. I tried a few derivatives, but couldn’t locate you. Could you please send me a link? 😀

      Thanks for your lovely comments.

      (looking for your stuff)

    2. Ah-ha, found you via someone else’s blog.

      (off to have a look)

  12. Fabulous work. I can’t wait to see your pastel piece finished!

  13. nice to see your art in progress. I like abstract without understanding too much about it.

  14. Your Wreath Wattle is amazing…you definitely know how to work with pastels. I have a small box and they totally intimidate me. hee hee 🙂

  15. Wreath Wattle is beautiful – a wonderful burst of yellow that is so heartening (especially as I’m cold right now). Wreath Wattle 2 looks as though it is going to be wonderful. I love it as it is already – abstract & fuel for the imagination.

    Kat 🙂

  16. Gorgeous! I love the colors you’re using.

  17. I love your painting on the green pastel paper. I first thought it was a chalkboard and was amazed that you were making such a pretty piece of art on something that would be erased….oops. I love it, can’t wait to see it finished.

  18. This work is perfect for the party Nutty!

    So happy you could come! (And I Still love these!) Hope your baby is all better!

    1. Bubs is all better, thank goodness 😀

      And thanks for holding the party!

      (thanks for your lovely comments too :D)

  19. I really like your wattle flowers and the pastel piece is already very interesting. Can’t wait to see how that finishes up. If you got anything at all done while dealing with migraines, you did good!

  20. What a fabulous pastel piece! I have to give you credit for even trying to be creative everyday–you go! Blogging is most definitely creative work. I am amazed that, myself having little computer talent, just the design work involved in blogging stretches the creative muscles a bit. Great work and great blog! You’re inspiring me to create more!

  21. Love the wattle flowers… makes me want to hop on a plane and come to Oz and see my family…

  22. I am loving the yellows! I think you did an unbelievable job on the wattle flowers…beautiful 🙂