Art Every Day Month – Day 3

Didn’t have a very good day today. Izzy was teething and unsettled so I had to attend to her, so KJ got bored and destructive, I got angry and frustrated…it wasn’t a good time.

So there wasn’t much art done. The only thing I managed was a doodle at the last minute in front of the TV as I was determined to have at least something to post.

Sunflower Doodle, pen on fineliner paper, approx. 110 x 140 mm.

I actually attempted to use this as the meditative exercise zentangles are supposed to be. It kinda worked, though I have to say, the best thing to make me feel better is to have accomplished a finished piece of art. It’s nothing fancy, but it is finished. I think this design would look better with more than one flower and bigger.

Here’s hoping tomorrow is a better day.

(suspecting that the Lurgy has rallied and launched another attack)


15 responses to “Art Every Day Month – Day 3”

  1. how cute is this? I think it's great….all those zentangles work well together! hope today is better for you! xxoo

  2. girlunwinding Avatar

    very stylized, I like it. I think you can take these "little" ideas and expand on them more when you have the time. I like the thought of making this bigger and surrounding it with other nature inspired things.
    here is to better days! {mine has started out rough, too. Teenagers, blah}

  3. Christie, Describe Happy Avatar
    Christie, Describe Happy

    I really like this. It's sharp but keeps your eyes wandering to all the little details! Wishing you a better day tomorrow!

  4. excellent design work

  5. Hi, Nutty!
    I have visitors today, we went for a long walk and I was almost all the time thinking in black and white. Your drawing is very near to the lines I've been seing in my thoughts… let's see if I am able to post something at the end of the day…
    I like your feel-better-flower!!

  6. Oh! and I love your introduction!

  7. Jenny Blair Avatar
    Jenny Blair

    Oh I know those days well, getting fewer and further between now though thankfully! I am in awe that you were able to create anything let alone a beautiful flower!
    I hope you manage to keep the lurgy away 🙂

  8. wow, that's pretty nice for just a doddle!

  9. Marie Young (Young Creative) Avatar
    Marie Young (Young Creative)

    This looks like something I would enjoy. I'm going to try to grab a copy of 52 Creative Exercises.

  10. I can't believe this is just a random doodle you did because it is so freaking cool! Kind of a "trippy," sort of flower as well. Great Artist!

  11. Yay for creating despite a stressful day! I know what you mean about that sense of accomplishment. And I have to say, I think the flower rocks!

  12. White Violet Art Avatar
    White Violet Art

    Your sunflower doodle is awesome… I love the petals – they have an almost hypnotic effect 🙂 (and this was just made last minute!? Well done!)

    Thanks for the comments on my blog as well, it's nice to hear I can be an inspiration in some way! 🙂

    I hope you kick that lingering "Lurgy's" butt and stay healthy!


  13. Marianne@RuffHaven Avatar

    I like this little flower. It's a bright spot in an otherwise not so good day. Just think of all the things you could have chosen for a subject….but you chose a flower…a Sunflower…now with a bit of therapy I'll bet we could figure out why……

  14. I think this flower is a beautiful finished piece of art! I especially like the way you drew the leaf. Very effective.

    Its great that you managed to create despite the challenges of the day.

    Kat 🙂

  15. Dana Barbieri Avatar
    Dana Barbieri

    I really LOVE this Nutty! I could see this huge or small, both are great! And I appreciate the fact that you DID YOUR ART in spite of all the business of the day. You inspire me lady!