My Creative Neighbourhood – 23 Oct 2010

So what’s been happening in my creative neighbourhood this week?

Chasing Purple Dreams had the opening night of her solo exhibition, ‘Emerging‘. Congratulations, and I hope it all went well. There are some beautiful paintings in her collection. My favs are ‘Optimism’ and ‘Flight’. I’m a sucker for good colour manipulation.

Juliette Crane was interviewed for a magazine and found herself painting a new beautiful little girl art piece. She’s gorgeous, Juliette. Love her red hair. And it was great to see your outdoor set up.

Loretta Grayson uploaded some new artworks to Flickr.

papercraft and crochet garland

This lady does some seriously beautiful artwork. If you haven’t seen her stuff before, you are missing out. Check out her crochet and her tree paintings. I am a major fan. This paper craft effort…ooh, that reminds me I need to comment on it and rave a little…I just adore her use of colour.

Deborah Dugan has been exploring pan pastels with some fantastic results.

It appears that just about everyone has jumped into the fun over at Tam’s Willowing and Friends Art, Heart and Healing free e-course. If you haven’t had a look yet, hurry on over, it looks like great fun (unfortunately I couldn’t afford the time to join in 🙁 so I’m missing out).  I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Looks inspiring.

Shortly after I wrote this post, my friend Angela knocked my socks off with her first attempt at drawing an animal. Another eye boggler.

Concetta, over at Glittering Shards is in a mosaic making frenzy in the lead up to her solo exhibition. Drop by and cheer her on. Don’t forget to check out her lovely work.

My best wishes go to Melissa Dinwiddie, who has had a hard week. But also my best curiosity because she has some seriously interesting creative stuff brewing on her blog. I recommend a visit 😀

Geninne‘s beautiful birds caught my eye. I’m dazzled by the lovely effect she has created with the white on blue. She has me wanting to reach for drawing implements and try it out myself.

Julia Crossland is getting into the spirit of Christmas early. Her cards are gorgeous. I need to get started too. (Who am I kidding?)

Don’t forget that Art Every Day Month is coming up next Sunday. I’m new to the idea though I have attempted NaNoWriMo on two occasions. Let’s just say my novel is still in progress (three years later). This challenge looks much more manageable and despite the children factor, I’m planning on giving it a go. Join me?

As for me, I have some art in the works at the moment, though despite my declaration in the previous paragraph, I’m finding it hard to find time. This piece is a little more work intensive than its recent predecessors and it is taking me a while. Hopefully I’ll have something new to post soon.

Also, don’t forget the Drawing Lab Challenge is still running. Anyone can join at any time and I’d love to see your results.

Thanks for sharing your creative work. You’re a bunch of inspiring neighbours.

(who hopes to find the time to do everything)