Drawing Lab Challenge results – my tunnel

It’s been one of those weeks for me. Being sick and stuck at home has not been conducive to art work. So my entry for this week is rather poor and was thrown together on a vague idea in this last hour or so between hanging out the washing and mum duties. I type this fast hoping that Izzy stays asleep just that little bit longer. I guess my topic source is pretty obvious.

Apologies for the poor reproduction. It was too large to scan. It doesn’t quite fit the bill for the challenge, but that is what I came up with. My other idea was to use cogs, lots of them, but I couldn’t get a ‘machine’ to gel out of the idea.

I hope you all did better than I did. Show me and cheer me up 😀

In better news, I do have another piece of work that is gelling well for the moment. It’s not finished, but as experiments go, it’s looking okay at the moment. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to finish it soon.

In the meantime, have a gander at this little guy I found while hanging out the washing.

Get the feeling I was being observed while observing?

(mmm, lunch)


2 responses to “Drawing Lab Challenge results – my tunnel”

  1. I think your lesson is beautifully done. There's just one thing missing in the drawing – the train! Hope you are feeling better. I am getting to work on my own, having cogitated it this last week.

  2. Doreen Baros Avatar
    Doreen Baros

    Your drawing is interesting. It brought to mind some of the art exercises my sons did at school art class once. The tunnel idea was something I think they did once.

    Your other photos look like lunch break in 'Cafe Wild'. Little do we realize we are under observation by all sorts of critters at all times. So glad THAT thought doesn't enter my head too often. I'd be freaking myself out! I find I tend to take quite a few bug pictures myself. I found this site this past summer as a great place for info on all things 'bug': http://www.whatsthatbug.com/ask-whats-that-bug/ It will give you all kinds of info. I find if I look at bugs too long I am equally fascinated and sometimes freaked out at the same time. Where are those Starship Troopers when I need one? 🙂